
A Day in the Life of a New Hire(Hasebe)

6:30 AM

Waking Up

I start my day quite early, getting up at 6:30 to head to the office.
During my commute, I enjoy listening to various types of music like western pop, game soundtracks, and epic music.
Listening to my favorite music during the commute motivates me for work!
8:50 AM

Arriving at Work

Today, I have both remaining tasks from yesterday and new tasks, so I plan to carefully manage my time while progressing through them!
9:00 AM

Work Begins

Currently, my job involves IT infrastructure field, and I am conducting integration tests for JP1 series products.
The tests involve the integrated monitoring part of the system configured with Linux servers and Windows servers.
12:00 PM

Lunch Break

For lunch, I often grab something from a convenience store, so I am attempting to try all the cup noodles available at convenience stores.
However, new products keep coming out, so it's hard to keep up with them all.
1:00 PM

Work Resumes

In the afternoon, I continued the integration tests for JP1 series products that I started in the morning.
Using the checklist created based on the design documents, I conduct the tests, but they do not always work as expected.
In such cases, I check the settings to find the discrepancies and consult with my senior colleagues to locate the issues.
18:00 PM

End of Workday

Today, I was able to reach a good stopping point.
Tomorrow, I'll be testing another part of the JP1 product. After updating today's progress and planning for tomorrow's tasks, I head home. Throughout the day, I consciously communicate with my seniors and colleagues. Just as the servers are integrated to form a system, it is very important to collaborate and confirm with those around me while working.
19:30 PM

Returning Home

Although my professional focus is on IT infrastructure, I often spend my free time working on building custom-built PCs and servers. Currently, I am also learning about Linux servers using virtualization software to get up to speed with my work quickly.