
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Selection and application process
  • Please describe the type of person you are looking for.
    • Individuals with passion who are inexperienced yet actively seek to learn and aspire to grow.
    • Those who are willing to actively take on new environments and fields.
    • Those who do not settle for self-satisfaction but constantly aim for skill enhancement.
    • Those who can utilize their cultivated technical skills to diligently train juniors and strive for mutual growth.
  • Could you explain the selection process?
    Our selection process is as follows.
    • 1. First interview
    • 2. Web test
    • 3. Final interview
    For more details, please visit our job search website or contact our recruitment representative directly.
  • Is it possible to apply without IT industry experience?
    Applications are welcome.
    Our company includes many employees who have joined without previous experience in the IT sector or who have transitioned from other industries. You can find detailed stories and experiences from our employees in the interviews available on the "Rapijo channel". We encourage you to view them.
  • Regarding salary
  • Could you provide information on salaries and raises?
    For those without experience, we do not set high initial salaries, but we do rigorously evaluate individual efforts and results to offer salary increases. Our rates of salary increases are notably higher compared to other companies.
    【Average Raise Performance Relative to Starting Salary】
      <For Inexperienced Employees>
        Second year: 16% increase
        Third year: 19% increase
       <For Experienced Employees>
        Second year: 6%
        Third year: 8%
        Note: Even for experienced employees, the percentage increases are substantial.
  • About career development
  • Thoughts on IT engineers
    Our company places a high value on work-life balance, adhering to the principle of "Work Hard, Rest Well." We accurately evaluate the efforts of our diligent engineers and entrust them with career plans tailored to each individual.
  • For career progression
    We provide a reward system to support certification acquisition and promote involvement in both external training and internal study groups. Furthermore, we have various initiatives and settings designed to foster career development, including team projects to boost skills.
  • Is there support available for achieving certifications?
    Yes, we offer a certification reward program that provides a one-time payment for the acquisition of designated qualifications. We use this system to facilitate individual development.
  • About performance evaluation
    We conduct monthly one-on-one meetings with supervisors. Additionally, goals are set and evaluations are carried out biannually, accompanied by feedback. These outcomes serve as the basis for decisions on salary revisions and changes in job positions.
  • Is a career change possible?
    Certainly, it is possible. We accommodate transitions from system engineers to infrastructure engineers and vice versa, taking into account your desires, skills, and business situation.
  • Corporate Culture
  • What kind of work environment does the company have?
    Our company prioritizes an environment where opinions can be freely exchanged regardless of position, age, or status. There is a cultural norm of respecting each other's views without criticism and with humility. You can learn more about our office culture and various events by visiting the "Rapijo channel"a, where many of our internal activities are featured.
  • What is the average age of the workforce?
    The average age is 29, and it is a vibrant workplace environment. We have many veteran employees, and there is active intergenerational exchange.
  • Are company events active?
    Yes, company events are very active. We focus on creating opportunities for interaction among employees from various departments and levels, and while participation is optional, these events serve as great occasions for fostering communication. You'll find many of these events highlighted on the "Rapijo channel", so please take a look.  Given your interest in programming and infrastructure projects, attending these events might also provide networking opportunities that align with your career goals and interests.
  • After joining the company
  • Could you describe the process after joining the company?
    For those new to the IT industry, the process is as follows.
    • 1. In-house training
    • 2. Interviews with senior employees
    • 3. Assignment to projects
    For experienced individuals, project assignments are made with full consideration of your skills. Senior staff and sales will provide maximum support. ※The specifics of this process may vary based on different circumstances.
  • About job responsibilities
  • About Project Assignments
    Project assignments for roles such as programmers, system engineers, and IT infrastructure engineers are determined based on a comprehensive evaluation of each individual's preferences and aptitude. Although assignments might not always align with personal preferences due to organizational needs or project demands, we include options for career transitions and are committed to supporting every individual's career path. 
  • Are there transfers within the company?
    Generally, we do not require transfers. Nonetheless, based on potential expansions, shifts in business circumstances, and your career plans, there might be a possibility to consider relocation after prior consultation.